What is Ductility Test Of Bitumen

What Is Ductility Test of  Bitumen.

  • The ductility test of bitumen is one of the main tests you need to do when building the road. We know that the ductility of a material is the ability of that material to undergo plastic deformation (permanent deformation) before the rupture of that material.
  • The ductility of a bituminous material is measured by the distance in cm that it elongates before breaking when a standard briquette sample of the material is separated at a specified speed and temperature.
  • Bitumen ductility measurement test and its suitability for road construction.


Ductility Bitumen Test

  • The ductility of a given bitumen sample is measured.

  • The suitability of the bitumen for use in road construction is measured.

  • Ductility of bitumen is the distance by which it extends in cm before breaking when kept in standard briquettes under standard conditions.

  • The standard temperature of 25oC must be maintained.

  • The 100 mm x 100 mm cross-section in the mold is prepared at a specified temperature, the excess bitumen is removed and the chips are hooked after zeroing the pointer.

  • The sample is pulled at 50 mm per minute until rupture. The distance to the breaking point in cm is the ductility value that depends on the temperature, briquette size, traction rate.

  • Ductility values can vary from 5 to 100 cm. A minimum value of 5 cm is required for bitumen grade 45 and above.


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By Rahul Kumar

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