How to Check Quality of Brick

  • Brick are the most common and useful building materials used for masonry construction work.
  • To build a long-lasting structure we should always use good quality bricks and other building materials.



Compressive Strength Test

  • This test is performed to determine the compressive strength of bricks.
  • It is additionally known as the crushing strength test of bricks.
  • A brick sample is kept on the crushing machine and then the pressure is thoroughly applied axially until it breaks.
  • The maximum pressure at which the brick start to crack is noted.
  • The test is repeated with 5 brick sample one by one and the average result is considered as the compressive strength or crushing strength of bricks.


Water Absorption Test

  • In this test, bricks are weighted first in dry condition ( W1) and then they are fully submerged in water for 24 hours.
  • After immersion of  hours, the bricks are collected and weighed again in wet condition (W2).
  • The difference of weight between dry and wet condition is considered as the water absorbed by the bricks.
  • Then the amount of water absorption is determined in percentage (%).


              Water absorption (%) = [ (W2-W1) / W1 ] * 100


  • The less water consumption by the bricks indicates their greater quality.
  • A brick will be considered as good quality if it does not consume more than 20 % water of its own weight.


Efflorescence Test

  • This test is carried out to obtain the presence of alkaline substances in bricks.
  • First, brick are fully submerged in freshwater for 24 hours.
  • After 24 hours they are collected from water and left to dry.
  • After completely dried the bricks are closely observed to find the presence of alkali.
  • If a white or gray layer is formed on the brick surface, it means alkali is present in the brick.


Impact Test

  • In this test few bricks are dropped from 1-meter height.
  • If bricks are broken it indicates low impact value and not acceptable for construction work.
  • Good quality bricks do not break at all.


Dimension Tolerance Test

  • 20 bricks are randomly collected and arranged in a straight line.
  • This is done to see the variation of shape, size, and color with the standard bricks.


Soundness Test of Bricks

  • In this test, two randomly selected bricks are hardly punched with each other.
  • If they produce a clear metallic sound and remain unbroken then they are good quality bricks.


Hardness Test

  • This test is done to know the hardness of bricks.
  • In this test, scratches are made on the surface of the brick by a hard thing.
  • If it does not leave any impression on the brick surface then it will be considered as good quality bricks.


Structure Test

  • In this test, a brick is fractured and firmly investigated.
  • If any flaws, holes or cracks are seen inside the broken brick, then it is considered as poor quality brick.



What Is Slab.


What is Brick.



By Rahul Kumar

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